Phossy Jaw

1669 Phosphorus discovered by Hennig Brandt in 1669
1845 Phossy Jaw first reported (22 known cases) in Europe
1852 Dickens wrote an article (52 cases in Germany/14 in Manchester)
1861 Bryant and May factory opened
1872 Finland was the first to ban white phosphorus, then Denmark (1874),
France (1897), Switzerland (1898), Netherlands in (1901)
1891/93/95 Factory Acts demanded notification of phossy jaw cases
1898 Bryant and May fined in court for “systematic neglect”
1898 Chief Inspector of Factories reported 21 cases
1891 the Salvation Army opened a match factory near Bow:
Produced safe red phosphorus
Paid workforce around twice the usual rate
Matches called ‘Lights in Darkest England’
Survived 10 years before they were bought out by Bryant and May
1901 Bryant and May announced they would stop using white phosphorus
1906 Berne Convention, requiring prohibition of manufacture, importation, and sale of matches with white phosphorus
UK delegate, under instruction from the Government, abstained from signing
1908 White Phosphorus Matches Prohibition Bill passed in the UK with 2 year grace period, i.e. 01/01/1911