Maci Hill's Story of the Matchgirls Strike
Maci is an amazing young woman who will, we are sure, go on to achieve great things. She won through each stage of the US National History documentary competition in 2019, right up to national finals where she came 7th overall.
What an amazing story in itself to have the story of a 19th century struggle of girls and women in an East End factory in London retold over 7500 kilometres away on the other side of the Atlantic over 130 years later!
Over to Maci to introduce herself . . .
My name is Maci Hill and I am a 15 year old high school student at Livingston High School in Livingston, Texas in the United States. My documentary was a finalist at the National History Day Competition held in College Park, Maryland, USA. The documentary depicts the Triumph and Tragedy of the Match Girls and tells the story of the Match Strike of 1888. I was honored to share the story of these courageous women who have been tragically overlooked in history.